Promo Mechanics.

The most effective shopper activations utilise a range of promotional mechanics. PromoNow effortlessly handles limitless combinations of prize mechanics, and crucially satisfies regulatory independence rules. Conduct prize draws with PromoNow from as little as £25 per draw.

Popular configurations include instant winning moments for top tier prizes, with weekly prize draws, everyone gets coupon, and a final wrap-up / mop-up draw to cover any sell-through period.

Get help with prize draws

Instant win or prize draw?

The best promotions offer both. Instant wins grab consumer attention. Add in a creative teaser reveal animation for a sense of excitement. But it's important to remember your losers, and this is where a secondary mechanic, such as a prize draw, maintains consumer positivity - "you didn't win this time, try again tomorrow ... You've a bonus entry into this week's prize draw".

Best practice instant wins use winning moment algorithms to independently and securely distribute prizes, without being linked to any unique code (URN) on-pack. The URN just provides a validation method. Get in touch with us for help with instant win promo management and much more.

Managed services & support from PromoNow Experts.

Design discovery & UX
Website design
Winner management automation
Prize mechanics
Gamification & Augmented Reality
Website development
End-to-end configuration

Something for everyone.

To offer the broadest possible engagement, use a mechanic that does not rely on chance, and offers something for everyone, aka an 'everyone gets' mechanic.

MONP (Money-off next purchase)
PromoNow offer integration with most of the major money-off coupon distributors.

Love me or I'm Free (aka Money Back Guarantee)
Proven to help your pack stand out on shelf and to acquire new customers. Claims are made, proof of purchase validated and promo payouts are made direct to consumer.

“Responsive is an understatement, whether it’s turning around proposals and advice or accommodating changes. Not only are the team great to work with, but their knowledge allows them to go above and beyond (which they always do!).”
Lawrence McNally, Senior Consultant
Cat Among The Pigeons